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Legal information of the website www.syres.fr
Legal information of SYRES - Tests and consumer studies
1 - Company Details
This site is published by:
SIRET: 41161043900035
VAT number: FR86411610439
NAF: 7320Z
Share capital: 30 000 €
Tel: + 33 (0) 1 30 79 92 45
Email: syres@syres.fr
2 - Design and Hosting
Director of Publication: SYRES.
This site is realized and is hosted by www.abc-idea.com.
3 - Our Services
Product tests and consumer studies.
4 - Information Relating to Users
In accordance with the law of 6 January 1978, all users have a right of access, rectification and deletion of information about him. We would like to inform you of the confidentiality in which we engage, of all the information that you communicate to us. This website is a partner with other websites, for the purpose of exchanging links. This selection is made according to quality criteria. We disclaim any liability for any moral, physical damage they may incur. All rights reserved and exclusive property to the French company "SYRES" of all content (pages, images, photos, scripts, texts, ...) of the website www.syres.fr.
5 - Personal Data Information (GDPR Law)
Answers to the boxes marked with an asterisk on the forms on the site are mandatory, the others are optional. They are the subject of a computerized processing intended to answer your request, and to create your customer account. The only recipient of the data is: SYRES.
Your personal information will be retained for as long as you are likely to continue to use our services and order on our website unless:
- You exercise your right to delete data concerning you, under the conditions described below;
- A longer shelf life is allowed or imposed under a legal or regulatory provision.
During this period, we put in place all means to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data, so as to prevent damage, erasure or access by unauthorized third parties.
Access to your personal data is strictly limited to SYRES staff.
In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of the January 6 modified 1978 and the European Regulation 2016 / 679 / EU 27 April 2016 (applicable from the 25 May 2018), you have a right of access, rectification , portability and erasure of your data or limiting treatment. You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.
You can, subject to the production of a valid proof of identity, exercise your rights by contacting syres@syres.fr.
If you do not / no longer wish to receive our news and requests (by phone, SMS, post or email) and invitations, you have the option of telling us by email: syres@syres.fr
For any additional information or complaint, you can contact the National Commission of Computing and Freedoms (more information on www.cnil.fr).
The way the personal data that can be collected is as follows:
- Contact form: When filling out the contact form, your name, postal address, e-mail address and your message are collected.
- Cookies: Cookies are used, in the context of the use of the Site, to collect certain information (in particular, your IP address, information relating to the computer used for navigation, the mode of connection, the type and the version of the internet browser, the operating system)
- By telephone: the data are recorded on our site in the same way as if you had filled the form.
- By email: the data are saved on our site in the same way as if you had filled the form.
The uses of your personal data are mainly as follows:
- access and use of the site;
- verification and authentication of your data;
- fight against fraud, misuse, viruses and other malware;
- business management ;
- provision of personalized content and services, based on your browsing history, preferences and interests;
When certain information is required to access specific features of the site, this mandatory character is indicated at the time of data entry. If you refuse to provide mandatory information, you may not have access to certain services, features or sections of the site.
No other personal data is saved. Your data is not sold or sold.